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Nicole Kidman used to be scrutinized for reportedly Botoxed forehead. Now it appears people are buzzing about her lips.
At Wednesday's Country Music Association Awards, "she looked freakish," a witness tells the New York Post's Page Six. "She just had her lips done, and now she looks like Meg Ryan."
Gwyneth Paltrow has a gender-bending new role to add to her resume.
The actress, 37, has signed on to star in The Danish Girl opposite Nicole Kidman, in a role that brings the story of the first post-operative transsexual to the big screen.
See photos of stars on set. According to Variety, Paltrow will join previously cast Kidman, 42, as Greta, the supportive wife of Kidman's Einar Wegener.
This star wants botox "banned"
He added that the actress -- who has signed on to play Einar Wegener, the first post-operative transsexual, in the upcoming drama, The Danish Girl -- looks "frozen and strange" because of her extensive use of the anti-aging treatment.
Country star JULIANNE HOUGH is adamant her split from CHUCK WICKS is "a good thing" - they're both too busy working to have a relationship. The singing couple called off its union earlier this month (Nov09), after more than a year of dating. But they sparked speculation their split was short-lived after they stepped out together at the Country Music Awards on Wednesday night (11Nov09).
There are no hard feelings between "Dancing with the Stars" hoofer Julianne Hough and ex-beau Chuck Wicks.
At least that's how it seemed when they arrived at the Country Music Association Awards together Wednesday.
"Julianne is actually my date tonight, so it's all good man," Wicks told "Entertainment Tonight," while working as a special correspondent for the show. "We're going to have a good time and we will address [the breakup] together, but right now we're going to have a lot of fun."
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While Wicks has been nursing a bruised ego, though, Hough, 21, who's also a country singer, has been busy wrapping up her musical tour before beginning production on the feature film "Burlesque." According to her blabbermouth brother Derek, Julianne's busy schedule is what made it so hard to maintain the relationship. "All I know is that Julianne has been incredibly, incredibly busy," he told People on Wednesday. "She is doing such a great job right now, but she really is in a different place every time that I talk to her."
Despite their recent split, Julianne Hough and Chuck Wicks made the rounds together at Wednesday's Country Music Association Awards in Nashville.
Now Hough has officially admitted she is no longer romantically involved with Wicks, but insists they will always be friends.
I don't typically watch Oprah. But I won't miss Monday's interview with Sarah Palin. The appearance is supposed to be about Ms. Palin's new memoir, but a lot more will be riding on the encounter than book sales.
After last year's brutal presidential campaign, Ms. Palin is now reintroducing herself to the American public. Nothing less than her future in American politics—and a possible run for the White House in 2012—hangs in the balance.
Ms. Palin has two problems. The first is that she's become one of the most polarizing figures in the country. The second is that voters continue to worry about her qualifications for the presidency, a concern that her abrupt resignation from office last July intensified.
Lucky for her, both problems are solvable. Since Ms. Palin appeared on the national stage, the left has unfairly demonized her. Blockbuster interviews and book tours will humanize her.
More important than these public appearances is Ms. Palin's message. She needs to adopt a market-friendly populist agenda to strengthen her policy credentials and make her seem less partisan to independent voters. A bipartisan, center-right approach should come easily to her. That's how she won her race for governor in 2006.
It took advanced excerpts of her upcoming interview with Oprah, plus the AP and now Drudge getting their hands on her new book, to move Palin-palooza from next week’s story to today’s. According to the AP, Palin criticizes CBS’ Katie Couric over the infamous Couric-Palin interview; she takes issue with ABC’s Charlie Gibson; and she settles old scores with the McCain campaign. Yet the last thing the Republican Party needs right now is a look back at the tumult and drama of 2008. Just when the party is enjoying its first good news in five years, here comes Sarah Palin. The next week is going to be about her and how she views the world. And it's not the image some in the Republican Party would like to broadcast, especially now when it appears they have an opportunity to slowly win back the trust of swing voters. At a minimum, Palin is a distraction for the GOP as it attempts to build on Election 2009 success. Worst case, she sets back efforts the party is making to appeal to swing voters again.
In introducing Mr. Johnston, Bond said the young fellow was being celebrated "for taking control of his image and letting us all enjoy it."
Johnston was a man of not many words—just 36 words, to be exact. "I'm honored to be here," he said in part, before ending with, "Make sure y'all go get the new Playgirl magazine next week."
The Parents Television Council surely didn't plan it this way, but a protest from the conservative watchdog group might do for "Gossip Girl" what a guy-on-guy kiss and coed romps haven't been able to accomplish this season: Boost the ratings, which have seen double-digit declines this fall.
The controversy stems from a multiple-partner sex scene planned for tonight's episode of the soapy CW drama, which the network has been teasing on-air as "OM3," in keeping with its suggestive, text-speak marketing. The threesome involves major characters on the show, though their identities haven't been revealed.
Rolling stone:Gossip Girl Cast's Photo Section Watch
As has happened oh, about a thousand times in recent TV history, (over)zealous promotion on a network's part built up a sweeps episode, which caused much ink and many pixels to be expended in anticipation of the allegedly life-altering event. Monday night's "Gossip Girl" had the added juice of the Parents Television Council frothing at the mouth over the episode before having seen it.
The pre-emptive campaign and threats of indecency fines didn't work -- no affiliates or advertisers bailed on Monday's episode. And while the PTC has never met a mildly salacious storyline it didn't love to hate, this one really ended up being a snoozer.
(I'm going to discuss what happened in that portion of the episode now, so if you haven't watched yet and don't want to know, now's the time to click away. Alternately, if you don't want to waste your time on a lame plot thread, please read on.)
Executive producers Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage said they're exploring new territory this season because most of the characters have graduated from prep school and are now in college, where experimentation is common. However, they're still working with the heightened reality of the Upper East Side and its wealth and hedonism.
Schwartz promises more cutting-edge content for the second half of the season. "We're not going to pull back," he said. "If anything, we'll be accelerating because we've gotten our footing with these characters being out of high school. The PTC may be writing a lot of letters this year."
TV analysts don't think the sexual tripling, which also will be seen in flashback on the Nov. 16 episode, is much of a stretch. "This is the latest risqué plot twist in a program that's all about them," said John Rash, senior vice president/director of media analysis at ad agency Campbell Mithun.
Abuse Robin Givens Still Tryna Eat Off Mike Tyson On Larry Kin:Octobet 2009 (M) Heavyweight Champion of the World Mike Tyson has been called a lot of things, starting with his real name: Michael Gerard Tyson. From there he moved on Kid Dynamite, then to Iron Mike to The Baddest Man on the Planet and finally to wife abuser - the latter a title no one wants to win.
Knock Out Abuse Against Women benefits victims of domestic violence founded in 1994 by Cheryl Masri and Jill Sorensen.
It’s been estimated that it takes 8 or 9 attempts to leave an abusive relationship. The events' headliner, Robin Given, agreed. “That’s about right,” she said. Would she ever be in an abusive relationship again? “Absolutely not.”
Some recent studies reveal that nearly 50 percent of women are impacted by domestic violence in their adult lives. “Abuse has several tag lines, but it’s always the same story,” she said.
Mariah Carey may have recently admitted she is not in the best shape,but she isn't afraid to strut around in a swimsuit.
You’d be forgiven for not recognizing Mariah Carey in her role as a dowdy welfare caseworker in the urban drama “Precious: Based on the Novel ‘Push’ by Sapphire.’’
The legendarily high-maintenance pop diva underwent a soup-to-nuts physical transformation, checking her glossy celebrity patina at the door to convincingly portray the film’s Ms. Weiss: a drab but deeply empathetic soul helping a troubled teenager in 1980s Harlem. Far from the image Carey has cultivated for years, the character has lank hair, a wardrobe of rayon sweater-coats and a sparse mustache across her upper lip.
Daniels, who became chummy with the singer after casting her in his indie drama “Tennessee,’’ implemented Carey’s deglamorization process to ensure that audiences wouldn’t be “taken out of the picture by seeing Mariah Carey,’’ and also to antagonize the singer for her own good by making her look homely.
“It wasn’t just the director in me,’’ Daniels explained earlier this week, “but the big brother torturing his sister. This was just to irritate her. At what point would she start screaming and run up out of this chair?’’
To put a fine point on how unlikely all of this is, one need look no further than Carey’s 2001 star vehicle “Glitter.’’ The movie was trounced by critics, fizzled at the box office, and netted the performer a Razzie Award for worst actress.
But since “Precious’’ premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, critics have been singing a different tune. A reviewer for Variety called Carey’s performance “pitch-perfect’’ while The New Yorker’s Anthony Lane asks, “Hold on: a stern, song-free, compassionate piece of acting from Mariah Carey? . . . It’s for real.’’
London (ANI): Actress Jennifer Hudson has said that she still feels her mother's presence, who was killed in a shootout last year. The ‘Dreamgirls’ star insisted that her mom Darnell was like a guardian angel guiding her.
On being asked if she felt her mother’s presence, she replied: "Oh my God, yeah. Definitely. Wherever. “Every day I'm like, ''Wow! I didn't realise I was so like my mother until now'', you know? She was the strongest person, woman, I've ever seen, you know?" Hudson had been devastated when her mother and her brother were found dead at their Chicago home in October last year.
On Oct. 24, 2008, Hudson's mother and brother were found shot to death in their Englewood home, and her 7-year-old nephew was found dead of gunshot wounds three days later. Hudson's estranged brother-in-law, William Balfour, has been charged with the murders.
The Oscar and Grammy winner also said she wants more children.
"I'd like to have at least one more, a little girl," she said.
"I want a girl and then maybe another one. You know, one baby at a time."
Next month, Hudson's holiday special, "I'll Be Home for Christmas," will air on ABC and feature locations from Hudson's childhood.
Check out the day's top celeb news photos.
The singer also tells Access that she finds the strength and inspiration to be a good parent when remembering her own mother, Darnell Donerson, who was tragically murdered along with Hudson's brother and nephew last year. (Hudson's estranged brother-in-law, William Balfour, has been charged with the killings.)
"[My mother] was the strongest person -- woman I've ever seen," says Hudson, adding that she "definitely" feels her mother's presence in her life. "Wherever, wherever. Every day, I'm like, 'Wow, I didn't realize I am so much like my mother until now."
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Rihanna Talk at First Words " I an Strong " short Interview ABCs "Good Morning America"
"I am strong" were the first words out of Rihanna's mouth in her short interview with Diane Sawyer on ABCs "Good Morning America."
She made the claim unequivocally glint of anger in here eye. It was a sign that this carefully managed encounter...part of a media flurry in which the Barbadian pop star and her ex-boyfriend, Chris Brown, try to manage the fallout from Brown's February assault on her as they prepare to release newalbums....would be heavy on message, and less so on confessions. In her first major television interview after the assault, Rihanna clearly meant to reclaim her position as a worthy role model for young woman.
But a troubled relationship may stand in her way. Not the one with Brown, which is apparently 100% kaput, though she admitted to returning to him a few weeks after the beating. The bond Rihanna believes she endangered by returning to Brown is the one with he fans.
If Rihanna’s career has been about noir, “Russian Roulette” is the moment in the novel where someone finally pulls a gun from a trench coat and changes everything. Lyrics like “I’m terrified but I’m not leaving / I know that I must pass this test” and “It’s too late to pick up the value of my life” pointedly allude to that event and a very bleak set of emotions accompanying it. Yet Rihanna purposefully avoids any hard statements about how (or if) the song relates to what she knows we’re all thinking. For music fans more accustomed to the upbeat revenge ballads of the Dixie Chicks or the stay-strong resilience of Mary J. Blige, Rihanna’s choice of metaphor in this song -- that she’s powerless before fate in a game of roulette for her life -- will come as a shock and, understandably, perhaps a disappointment to fans hoping for something more reassuring.
Yet there are so many reads to this strange, oblique song that you can’t just walk away from it with a perfunctory sadness or tsk-tsking that she should set a better example. Is there any power in Rihanna’s choosing, of her own volition, to play this violent game of chance? Is she talking about her career -- that the correct next move for her feels entirely unknowable after a night like that? Is this just a well-timed dramatic sliver of the many complicated emotions surrounding her assault, one that could make other victims feel heartened that they aren’t alone in such contradictory thoughts?
Colin Farrell is Celebrating after His Girlfriend Gave Birth to a Baby Boy
The Miami Vice actor and Polish actress Alicja Bachleda - who have been dating since earlier this year - welcomed their new arrival last month, reports People.
The proud parents have named their son Henry Tadeusz Farrell.The Irish heartthrob - who confirmed he was to be a dad again while he was attending the Toronto Film Festival in September - met 26-year-old Alicja on the shoot of fantasy drama Ondine.
It's a boy for lrish heartthrob Colin Farrell again! The actor and his Girlfriend Alicja Bachleda wilcomesd a son-Henry Tadeusz Farrell-on Oct 7,the Associated pree reports.This is the couple's first child together.But it's the second for Farrell, 33,who has a 6-year-old son,James padraig Farrell,with model kim Bordenave.
Skin is in : Claira dress to bare. Here she flaunts her peaches and cream complexion and baby smooth skin. Glued to blue: Drop-dead gorgeous Claira's stunning looks is not for the weak hearted.
In this little white dress, Claira shows that it's all about redefining the charismatic beauty in you.
A torn tee, nude look and flowinng hair bring out the childwoman in her body.
A finely cut white brra dress with strips of embroidered patches will bring the world is your feet.
Jon Gosselin is"Slowing Things Down" from Girlfriend Hailey Glassman
Hailey Glassman has no regrets about a recent interview in which she claimed Jon Gosselin "emotionally abused" her and "has trouble with the truth" -- despite the fact that it reportedly led to the couple taking a break from their romantic relationship.
Jon Gosselin has confirmed he is " sloeing things down " from girlfriend Hailey Glassman in an effort to redeem himself and become a better person. jthe reality star,32, began a public dialogue sunday night with celebrity Rabbi Shmuley Boteach by saying he " doesn't get" why the media is "obsessed"with him. "Thank you guys for showing up tonight, but please, stop shoeing up" he told reporters at New York City's West Saide Jewish Center. "I didn't ask for this (fame),"he added." I hardly ever go out in New York because of it. The paparazzi are every where here."
"I just want to thank everyone for their support," said Glassman in a Saturday night post to her Twitter account. "I was brutally honest and put everything out on the table infront of the entire world." The Jon & Kate Plus 8 star and Glassman -- who had been dating since the summer -- are reportedly "taking a break" from their relationship, according to various Friday reports.
In a dark suit and without his trademark earrings, Gosselin began by confessing that his celebrity is a mystery to him. "I don't sing, I don't dance, I'm not a Nobel Peace Prize winner. ... I just had eight kids, and I had a show on TLC."
He contended he never wanted the bright lights, saying, "I never asked for it, I never invited anyone. ... The only cameras that ever followed me around were TLC, and that was only three days a week, and that was work. It's a job. And then, all of a sudden, you know, I saw our marriage disintegrating."
And while he didn't vilify Kate, he did revisit a frequently heard complaint: "She always said I was the 'ninth child.' And I felt like the ninth child, because I couldn't get to the point that she could love and respect me."
Later, though -- some frank reflections. First, to Kate: I want to apologize to Kate ... so, when that time comes, I will apologize to her. And I'll apologize to her for openly having relationships in the public eye. And that was a huge mistake."
Then, to their eight kids: "I'm gonna have eight years to prepare, to think about how I'm gonna explain myself, what I did, in eight months. Even though I was a good father, I believe, for eight years, it doesn't matter. Those eight months have tarnished those eight years."
Michael Jackson film,This Is It Earns $101 Million Worldwide Around The Globe
As expected, "Michael Jackson's This Is It" was the box-office champion over the Halloween weekend, taking in an estimated $21.3 million in the United States. The bigger news was that the documentary chronicling the King of Pop's final rehearsals for his planned 50-show comeback residency in London banked more than $101 million worldwide.The totals easily made "This Is It" the #1 movie in America, beating out the still-strong thriller "Paranormal Activity," which was second with $16.5 million. Fans who didn't wait in line or rush out to see
"This Is It" during its first few days in theaters also got a reprieve, as Sony Pictures — the studio that paid $60 million for the rights to release the film — announced that the planned two-week-only engagement will now be extended through Thanksgiving. "This Is It" was the only new movie to open nationwide in the last week, as most studios wanted to avoid competing with trick-or-treating and Halloween parties.
Sony was forced to pick the date for "This Is It" because it wanted to rush the film out this fall and every other weekend was crowded with major new releases.
Two new movies opened in limited release Friday, however, to varying results.
Apparition's "The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day" started with a decent $461,614 at 68 locations. That's more than 15 times the ticket sales for the ultra-violent original, an infamous flop in 2000 that found renewed life on DVD.
Fox Searchlight's "Gentleman Broncos," from "Napoleon Dynamite" director Jared Hess, opened to a weak $10,000 at two theaters.
Weinstein Co. expanded its August release of "Halloween II" to take advantage of the holiday, but grossed just $475,000 at 1,083 theaters.
Overall, the weekend box office was a bit better than expected, as total weekend ticket sales rose 5% from a year earlier, said. Fans flocked to movie theaters this weekend to remember the King of Pop and see his last moments, as played out on the big screen in This Is It.
The documentary, which includes rehearsal footage of Michael Jackson, 51, prepping for his ill-fated "This Is It" London concert tour at Los Angeles' Staples Center just hours before he died of cardiac arrest, was so well received in its first five days that distributor Sony has extended the film's run until Thanksgiving.
STAR Of The "Twillight" Movie Franchisr,Robert Pattinso
The pair have also been arhuing over how to continue their relationship once filming on the TWilight series of films ends, as they live in different countries... "Twilight" heartthrob Robert Pattinson graces the December cover of Vanity Fair.inside, the brooding Englishman talks about auditioning for his star making role, his lonely lige, and his constar Kristen Stewart, with whom he's been linked in the tabloids.The press release is below, and more pics from his VF shoot are here
For the record, Pattinson insists that he and Stewart are really just "good friends," and that he deeply admires her. "I think she's the best young actress around," he tells Peretz. "She's influenced how I've done all the Twilight stuff. It's quite nice to have someone who is genuinely indifferent to the whole spectacle of everything." Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke tells Peretz that the young co-stars shared major chemistry while filming. "What Rob and Kristen had is a multitude of feelings for each other. Complex feelings for each other. It was what we needed. Complex, intense fascination." Before his Twilight audition, Pattinson tells Peretz, he had never read the Twilight books, had been "getting drunk for a year," felt like a blob and dreaded having to take his shirt off, which the audition required of him. Having nothing to lose, he went in "a little more brazen than I would have been in a normal audition." Recalling one of the scenes he did with Stewart, on Hardwicke's bed, in which he and Stewart have a passionate but aborted kiss, he says, "I was still in the mode thinking, I've got to make this really, really serious. This is not just a sexy thing.... I was slamming my head against the wall and kind of going nuts." He was sure he had made a complete ass of himself. "I remember calling my parents and saying, 'That's it. I'm not doing this anymore.' And then hearing, 'O.K., fine,' which was not the answer I wanted to hear at all."
"Despite the first film already being on DVD, fans across the nation have been calling out to see the film once again on the big screen, and the studio is honoring their request," Summit Entertainment told the Hollywood Reporter.The movies are based on the best-selling series of young adult novels by Stephanie Meyer.
I like top film's and with today being Halloween what better time to share with you my favourite scary movies.
The Shining : Released in 1980. A family with jack Nicholson as Dad become the winter housesitters of a hotel in the mountains of Colorado. Nicholson's character jack Torrance is writing a book but the isolated hotel's ghosts take hokd of him and insanity takes over Torrance played magnificently by Nicholson whose face bursting through that door still sends shivers down my spine tody.
Directed by Stanley Kubrick.Adapted from a stephen king novel. The Omen:
Released in 1976.Gregry Peck is the ambassador to the United States whose wife has a stillborn child.Without her knowledge he substitutes another baby as theirs. The son is called Damien and the family move to London when Robert Thorn(played by peck)becomes the US ambassador. Thorn then finds out that the child is the son of Satan. Who can forget Damien riding around the house on is tricycle? This movie has an name thir son Damien after 1976?
Directed by Richard Donner. Lee Remick, Patrick, Troughton and Harvey Stephens also starred.
The Silence of the Lambs: Released in 1991.A young FBI cadet,Jodie Foster as Clarice Starling, has been sent the Batlimore state hospital for the criminally insane to interview an inmate Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant, cunning but psychotic psychiatrist turned infamous psychopathic serrial killer. A story of trust evoves as Starling gathers cluesin the hunt for Buffalo Bill.Scott Glenn and Anthony Heakd also starred.
Directed by Jonathan Demme ........................................................ ........................................................
Carrie: Released in 1976. After being taunted and ridiculed bu classmates following the unespected timing of her first period, Carrie(played bu Sissy Spacek) discovers the art of telekinetics. Roundly abused at home bu her crazy mother she finally gets to go to the prom with adate. However a nasty trick gets played on Xarrie and her date for the night and later at home her mother finds her in the bath covered with pig's blood.
Piper Laurie, Amy irving and John Travolta also starred.Directed by Brian De Palma.
Willem Dafoe:Willem Dafoe was Stard Actore for Joker in 1989
Jack wouldn't have laded the role of the joker in 1989's Batman had willem Dafoe not declined director Time Buron's offer. It has emerged that the 'Spider-Man' star was Burton's first choice for the iconic part opposite Michael keaton as the Caped Crusder. While the role eventually went to the 'shining' star, Dafoe has admitted that the movie could have been very different had he agreed to work on the superhero film.
Third place was taken by Spider-Man's psychotic archrival-the 'Green Goblin',brought to life by Willem Dafoe in the 2002 film.Jabba the Hutt : jabba the Hutt from'Star wars's came in fourth and Superman's nemesis 'Lex Luther' wrapped up the too five. The Famuse Most Loved Villains are: 1. The Joker-Batman 2. Magneto-x-Men 3. Green Goblin-Spiderman 4. Jabba the Hutt-Star wars 5. Lex Luther-Superman (ANI)
The day of tricks and treats only comes once a year,but with all of the grabbing for candy and fun there is to be had ,a real scre could be lurking.HiNi "It's a fun day. You don't want to just ruin it trying to be negative.You have to let the kids have their fun." That didn't even phase our,or come to my mind.while the HiNi is no Laughing Matter,every parent we talked to seemed to say the same thing. Also, Kids should wait to open the candy. Viruses can live for 2-8 hours on objects,so if they wait until the next morning to open the candy, there will be no germs living on them whatsoever.Another suggestion is to not have kids share masks, as masks can be a breeding ground for germs due to their proximity to nose and mouth.